Is Snozzberry free?
Yes, Snozzberry is completely free. In time, we will include relevant ads, and a premium version of the app at a cost.
Is Snozzberry for Movies & Tv-Shows?
Yes, Snozzberry lets you discover both movies and tv-shows, and link to watch them on iTunes, (More streaming services added soon)
How do I use Snozzberry?
The app will open on the Start Page - tap a popular actor, writer or director, or search for your favorite.
You will arrive at a movie page with all the movie information at your finger tips - the name of the artist you selected sits at the top of the page.
You can now swipe through this artist's movie list, one movie or tv show at a time?
At any time, you can tap an artist on any movie - their name will float to the top.
Now you are in their movie list - you can swipe through their movies one at a time, and so on.
You can also tap the ( + ) Add Movie button to add this movie to an existing movie list or Create a new list to add it to.
Tap 'View' to view the movies in a movie list.
You can also tap a movie Rating, Year, Country, Parental rating, or Genre to swipe through those movie lists.
Can I watch movies and tv-shows on Snozzberry?
No, but we do link to movies and tv-shows on iTunes - (More streaming services added soon).
Do I need to signup to use Snozzberry?
You can search and browse movie lists of actors, writers and directors without signing up. However, to save your movies to a list, or share an artist or movie with friends, you will need to signup.
Can I buy a subscription to Snozzberry?
Not yet
Can I change my username?
Not yet.
What happens when I connect my Facebook account?
We request read-only access to your Facebook account. We never post on your behalf unless you manually share content using the share options in your own phone (See below)
NOTE: As of August 2018, Facebook no longer permits external services to automatically publish content to it's users' timelines. Please use the Share option on a Movie, Artist or Fav5 to publish it manually to your Facebook timeline.
What happens when I connect my Google account?
We request your name, email address, language preference and profile picture. We never post on your behalf unless you manually share content using the share options in your own phone.
Can I publish my Snozzberry activity to my Facebook timeline?
No. Facebook removed these permissions in August 2018 (see NOTE above)
Can I connect my Netflix account?
No. Netflix closed it's public API a few years ago.
How can I delete my Snozzberry account?
If you decide to delete your Snozzberry account, your email, movie lists, and any information associated with your account will be permanently removed. To delete your account:
In the Menu Bar, tap Delete Account. You will be asked to confirm the deletion of your account. If you have not used the Snozzberry app for while, you may be requested to verify your account first by logging out and back in again. This precaution is designed to protect our uses from unwanted app deletion.